Contacting me…

All calls to our office number are answered by the front desk. We  do check our voicemail for messages frequently throughout the day, even on weekends, and return phone calls by the next business day.  Please be aware
that email is not a secure medium. Please contact us with questions or concerns about medication refills. If you missed or could not make your appointment, you will be given enough medication to last until our next rescheduled session, usually within 2 weeks.

Get in touch

Concerns or questions before the appointment?

Let’s Talk

Phone:  949-207-6775

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours

Mon – Fri:  10:00 am – 6:30 pm
Sat: By Request
Sunday: (Closed)

Visiting the Office

3620 Birch St, Suite 210
Newport Beach CA 92660

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Ask your questions...

Submit your message, we will get in touch as soon as possible

    3620, Birch Street, Newport Beach, Orange County, California, 92660